Feb 01, 2025

In Episode 61 of the excellent Shawn Ryan Show, there’s a highlight that really stood out to me.

One meta note before I continue: I try to avoid cursing, especially on this blog, because profane language is often a sign of not having the right words to describe how you actually feel. It’s like when you’re listening to audio too loud for your speakers and the sound clips.

But I value authenticity. And I don’t think you can make art better by watering it down to make it appeal to more people. So if you find profanity offensive, hit that back button.

You know, it’s the one thing I’ve learned on a related side note. As everyone says, like, DFQ, don’t fucking quit. Never quit. Don’t ever fucking quit.

And that works to a point.

Example, let’s say there’s five of us.

And sergeant’s like, charge that machine gun nest.

And I charge it. And I got cut down.

Second guy, charge that machine gun. Second guy gets cut down.

Third guy, charge it gets cut down.

Now the fourth guy, he could DFQ that one and charge it like everyone else because “I’m not a quitter.”

Or maybe, just maybe. We’re doing it the wrong way.

If you’re so focused on never fucking quitting, dude, when we get out, we fuck up so many things because we’re so don’t quit focused that we don’t realize that we’re doing it the stupid way.

And if you reassess and try and figure out a better way and then do it that way, is that quitting? No. And that’s one thing I realized being out is how many things I did.

Just to do it the hard way, almost for the hard way’s sake. I’ll fucking do it the hard way. Fuck you. Watch this. And then over time, it’s like, there’s probably a better way to do this. And I think that’s a big lesson I learned is by and large, there’s always a smarter way.

And I definitely agree with that. As I’m older and out longer, the more I realize that true skill is in figuring out the most efficient and easiest way to accomplish anything.

Link to full video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Aa2_fsSin8.